Baking blender procedural 3D textures into 2D tileable images.

If you like Blender’s 3D procedural textures and wanted to use them to produce 2D tileable images in other software, here’s an idea how to bake them.

For undistorted bake result it’s good to use cylinder, if you want to tile across one axis only.
However to tile the image across both axis, you will need to try different approach.
No, not the sphere – the torus!
While it produces some distortion, it’s acceptable for less regular shapes, like cracks etc.

.blend file

Procedural cycles shader for clouds.

Quick walkthrough of shader creation for procedural clouds. When you follow this, you will know how to simply duplicate a cube to get unique cloud for each object.

For more complicated shapes you can simply combine cubes (keeping them as separate objects) or add more noise textures with different blending modes.

And the best thing? It uses very low memory to generate really complicated cloud shapes.

Or use a particle system (instancing a cube with randomized size, rotation etc) and still – each cloud will be unique.
